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Dive right into a deep discussion with Topic Templates!
Browse Kialo’s extensive library of classroom debate and argumentative essay topics. Each template comes with background info and prompts, so you can get discussing straight away!
An illustrated teacher sits thinking at their desk as discussion cards, and pro and con claims float around their head. The pro claim is “Macbeth’s fate was fixed by the witches’ prophecy.” and the con claim is “Macbeth’s own hubris caused his demise.”
An illustrated teacher sits thinking at their desk as discussion cards, and pro and con claims float around their head. The pro claim is “Macbeth’s fate was fixed by the witches’ prophecy.” and the con claim is “Macbeth’s own hubris caused his demise.”
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Showing 601 topic templates
Ancient Athens or Sparta: Which was the better place to live?
Are “debt-for-nature swaps” a good strategy for rainforest conservation?
Are apology videos effective?
Are art critics worth listening to?
Are artificial Christmas trees better than real ones?
Are drug consumption rooms a good idea?
Are fair trade schemes actually fair?
Are fairy tales good for children?
Are friends better than family?
Are ghosts real?
Are governments doing enough to fight climate change?
Are green belts a good idea?
Are hard skills or soft skills more important in the workplace?
Are international sporting events bad for the environment?
Are long-running film franchises better than single films?
Are New Year’s resolutions worthwhile?
Are NFTs good for art?
Are online privacy protections more important than public safety?
Are open borders a good idea?
Are penalty shootouts a good way to decide the winner?
Are podcasts better than radio?
Are price caps a useful economic tool?
Are price floors a useful economic tool?
Are professional athletes paid too much?
Are social media influencers legitimate celebrities?
Are some Halloween costumes too offensive to wear?
Are the best films made outside of Hollywood?
Are the Marvel Cinematic Universe films overrated?
Are there more advantages than disadvantages to open-source software?
Are there too many school holidays?
Are viruses alive?
Are water resources a basic human right?
Are water transfer schemes a viable solution for water scarcity?
Are we currently experiencing a mass extinction?
Are we living in a simulation?
At the end of “A Doll’s House,” is Nora’s decision to walk away justified?
Can “The Things They Carried” be considered a patriotic novel?
Can art be objectively bad?
Can food be art?
Can literature be separated from its historical or cultural context?
Can machines be intelligent?
Can morality exist without religion?
Can our senses be trusted?
Can personal knowledge be more reliable than shared knowledge, considering the influence of bias and perspective?
Can social media be an effective tool for political activism?
Can we ever truly know history?
Could lab-grown meat be a useful tool for fighting climate change?
Could South Vietnam have won the Vietnam War?
Could technology ever replace teachers?
Could the Allied Powers have prevented World War II?
Could the Confederacy have won the American Civil War?
Could the de-extinction of certain species help the environment?
Did Hamlet’s slowness to act result in his downfall?
Did King Arthur really exist?
Did Lenin’s communist government betray its own revolutionary ideals?
Did the actions of King Charles I cause the English Civil War?
Did the French Revolution need to be so bloody?
Did the revolutions of 1848 really “fail”?
Did the United States really enter World War I out of self-defense?
Did women have to use militancy to obtain the vote?
Did women in Europe gain more rights and freedoms as a result of World War I?
Did World War II significantly advance the rights of women in the countries involved?
Do aliens exist?
Do all religions worship the same higher power?
Do children need privacy?
Do movie studios make too many reboots and sequels?
Do people need friends to be happy?
Do rich countries have an obligation to help poorer countries weather climate change?
Do schools have an obligation to teach about racial inequality?
Do smartphones make us less smart?
Do social media influencers promote superficial values?
Do social media influencers promote unrealistic beauty standards?
Do the benefits of direct democracy outweigh the costs?
Do the costs of AI outweigh the benefits?
Do the political advantages of joining a supranational organization outweigh the political disadvantages?
Do the Vikings deserve their bad reputation?
Does "The Scarlet Letter" portray religion as a primarily negative force in society?
Does “Lord of the Flies” present an accurate picture of human nature?
Does “Never Let Me Go” create a more effective sense of threat than “The Handmaid’s Tale”?
Does “The Canterbury Tales” primarily uphold or challenge the social order?
Does “The Crucible” portray it as justifiable to sacrifice personal principles for the sake of societal norms?
Does “The Outsiders” argue for a more even distribution of wealth in society?
Does “Their Eyes Were Watching God” advance a feminist worldview?
Does art need to have meaning behind it?
Does feminism have to be intersectional?
Does free will exist?
Does genre fiction have the same literary merit as classic literature?
Does good literature have to question societal norms?
Does history education focus too much on warfare?
Does language determine knowledge?
Does microcredit cause more harm than good?
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Does playing video games benefit learning?
Does pseudoscience distort our worldview?
Does St. Anselm’s ontological argument prove the existence of God?
Does stubbing your toe hurt more than banging your elbow?
Does technology make us less intelligent?
Does the Bhagavad Gita promote the caste system?
Does the movie “Oppenheimer” glorify nuclear war?
Does tourism help to reduce development gaps?
Does traditional media help or hinder public understanding of political issues in the US?
Does turning 18 really mean that you’re an adult?
Has the development of platforms like Kickstarter and Patreon resulted in better entertainment?
Has the popular memory of Martin Luther King Jr.’s activism been sanitized?
Have mobile phones improved people’s lives?
How did the Roman Empire become so great?
If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, is God responsible for evil?
If you were stranded on a desert island, what one item would you bring?
In “1984,” is the Party entirely evil?
In “A Streetcar Named Desire,” does Tennessee Williams portray Stanley Kowalski as a mere brute?
In “Animal Farm,” should the pigs’ leadership give them special privileges?
In “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” was Willy Wonka good at heart?
In “Charlotte’s Web,” is Templeton more of a hero or a villain?
In “Jack and the Beanstalk,” was Jack right to steal from the giant?
In “Matilda,” which of her parents is the worst?
In “Pig-Heart Boy,” is Cam right to accept the pig heart transplant?
In “Puss in Boots,” is Puss a good guy?
In “The Catcher in the Rye,” is Holden’s rebellion necessary for his personal growth?
In “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” is it morally justifiable to stay in Omelas?
In “The Things They Carried,” should Tim have gone to war?
In “Things Fall Apart,” does Achebe suggest that resistance to social change is futile?
In “Trash,” was Jose Angelico justified in stealing from Senator Zapanta?
In “Trash,” were Raphael, Gardo, and Rat right to tell lies?
In the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series, is Gregg Heffley a likable character?
In the “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” is King’s criticism of the White moderate fair?
Is “Barbie” a feminist film?
Is “Fountain” really a work of art?
Is “Go Tell It On the Mountain” an anti-religious novel?
Is “Jane Eyre” a feminist novel?
Is “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” too racist to be taught in schools?
Is a beach vacation better than a vacation in the mountains?
Is a degree in education essential for teachers?
Is a hot dog a sandwich?
Is abstract art easier to make than other forms of art?
Is AI art really art?
Is AI just pretending to be smart?
Is anything ever eternal?
Is architecture art?
Is art an effective method of driving social change?
Is art essential in shaping our awareness of ethical issues?
Is Black Friday worth it?
Is breakfast important?
Is Buddhism a religion?
Is cancel culture really a new phenomenon?
Is Christianity compatible with democracy?
Is Christianity compatible with feminism?
Is climate more important than soil for determining vegetation characteristics in cold environments?
Is cyberbullying worse than face-to-face bullying?
Is democracy a good form of government?
Is fashion art?
Is freehand sketching better than computer-aided design (CAD)?
Is globalization a good thing?
Is Goldilocks a villain?
Is graffiti art?
Is Hamlet truly mad?
Is hosting the Olympics and Paralympics good for the host nations?
Is increased investment by firms the most important factor for increasing economic growth?
Is Islam compatible with democracy?
Is Islam compatible with feminism?
Is it a bad idea to mix entertainment with news?
Is it a good idea to use wind farms?
Is it a good thing that machines will likely do most human work in the future?
Is it better to buy a gas or electric car?
Is it better to have a few close friends than lots of casual friends?
Is it better to live in a big city or a small town?
Is it better to live in the city or the countryside?
Is it ethical to take short-haul flights?
Is it ethical to use dead animals in artworks?
Is it ever okay to break the rules?
Is it ever okay to lie?
Is it fair that professional female athletes receive less attention than professional male athletes?
Is it good to have siblings?
Is it good to make your beliefs a part of your identity?
Is it immoral for people to own pets?
Is it important to explore outer space?
Is it ok for feminists to wear makeup?
Is it ok to separate the art from the artist?
Is it okay for parents to confiscate teenagers’ mobile phones?
Is it okay for parents to share photos of their kids on social media?
Is it okay to end friendships over politics?
Is it possible to build cities that don’t harm the environment?
Is it right for God to punish all humanity for Adam and Eve's sin?
Is it wrong to pure-breed pets?
Is it wrong to use AI-generated art?
Is John Donne’s “The Flea” a misogynist poem?
Is Judaism compatible with democracy?
Is Judaism compatible with feminism?
Is justice more important than peace?
Is King Lear really “a man more sinned against than sinning”?
Is Lady Macbeth more villainous than Macbeth himself?
Is listening to books better than reading them?
Is marriage a thing of the past?
Is Mary, mother of Jesus, a feminist figure?
Is money better than treats for Halloween?
Is more trade always better for countries?
Is negative political advertising bad for democracy?
Is Nick Carraway a reliable narrator in “The Great Gatsby”?
Is nuclear power our best option for energy production?
Is pacifism moral?
Is plant-based fast food really better than traditional fast food?
Is popularity important?
Is population decline a good thing?
Is Queen Victoria a feminist figure?
Is regifting acceptable?
Is religious faith compatible with science?
Is representational art superior to abstract art?
Is resistance shown to be futile in “The Handmaid’s Tale”?
Is rewilding a good idea?
Is rhyming poetry better than free verse poetry?
Is Secret Santa a good idea?
Is shopping online better than shopping offline?
Is social media a threat or benefit to democracy?
Is social media making us less social?
Is space infinite?
Is space tourism a good idea?
Is species conservation a worthwhile use of resources?
Is taking care of global issues more important than caring about local issues?
Is technological progress a good thing?
Is the American Dream realistic for average Americans?
Is the amount of entertainment content available today a good thing?
Is the declining interest in religion a problem?
Is the Earth flat?
Is the Gini coefficient a useful way of measuring inequality?
Is the holiday season becoming too commercial?
Is the internet an overall good thing for society?
Is the modern US an imperialist power?
Is the right to privacy more important than freedom of the press?
Is the US embargo of Cuba justified?
Is the World State of “A Brave New World” really a dystopia?
Is there any justice in “King Lear”?
Is Tik Tok bad for society?
Is torture justifiable in the name of security?
Is urban density a good thing?
Is war ever justifiable?
Is winning the most important part of sports?
Is working from home a good thing?
National referendums: Should more laws be put to the citizens to accept or reject?
On each night of Hanukkah, should the number of lit candles increase or decrease?
Should “necessity defense” be a legal defense for climate activists?
Should “To Kill a Mockingbird” still be taught in schools?
Should “victimless" crimes remain illegal?
Should 10-year-olds be allowed part-time jobs?
Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in general elections?
Should academic tests be banned for students under 14?
Should advertising be allowed to target children?
Should advertising be banned at the Olympics and Paralympics?
Should AI tools be allowed in school assessments?
Should all businesses close on Christmas?
Should all children have to do volunteer work?
Should all citizens be required to vote?
Should all classes be grouped by ability rather than age?
Should all homes have solar panels?
Should all parents attend parenting classes?
Should all televised sports be free to watch?
Should Americans see the Founding Fathers as heroes?
Should animal testing be banned?
Should animals have rights?
Should anyone own outer space?
Should anyone under 18 years old be banned from competing in the Olympics?
Should anyone under 18 years old be banned from competing in the Paralympics?
Should art and music be taught in school?
Should art be publicly funded?
Should artworks be kept in their country of origin?
Should atheism be considered a religion?
Should billionaires be taxed more?
Should British people be proud of the British Empire?
Should Buddhist leadership roles be open to all genders?
Should bullies be expelled?
Should cash be abolished?
Should celebrities use social media platforms to promote political views?
Should Christian leadership roles be open to all genders?
Should Christmas be a national holiday in Western countries?
Should Christmas decorations be put up before December?
Should cigarettes be banned?
Should cishet actors be able to play LGBTQ+ characters?
Should citizens have to pass a political knowledge test in order to vote?
Should citizens try to sue corporations and governments over climate change?
Should climate change protestors target art to promote their cause?
Should cloning humans be legal?
Should coding be a required subject in school?
Should college admissions use race-based affirmative action?
Should colleges and universities have sports teams?
Should companies have quotas for women in top-level positions?
Should companies look at potential employees’ social media profiles?
Should Confederate war dead be excluded from Memorial Day observances?
Should countries have strict limits on immigration?
Should countries still open new oil fields?
Should countries with poor human rights records be allowed to host international sporting events?
Should crowdfunding be legal?
Should cryptocurrency be banned?
Should deepfake technology be regulated by law?
Should dogs be allowed in public parks?
Should dress codes be eliminated?
Should driverless cars prioritize passenger safety over everything else?
Should drugs be legalized like alcohol?
Should e-scooters be allowed in city centers?
Should Easter be celebratory or serious?
Should Ebenezer Scrooge be forgiven at the end of “A Christmas Carol”?
Should employers pay people extra to live close to their workplace?
Should environmental conservation take precedence over economic growth?
Should European countries pay reparations to their former colonies in the developing world?
Should euthanasia be legal?
Should everyone be vegetarian?
Should everyone get a day off work for their birthday?
Should everyone get participation awards?
Should famous artworks have such a high price tag?
Should famous people be held to a different standard of conduct?
Should financial literacy classes be required for all students?
Should fluency in a foreign language be required to graduate?
Should foreign intervention be used to protect women’s rights?
Should fossil fuels be banned?
Should fracking be banned?
Should free menstrual products be provided by the government?
Should Gar leave Ballybeg at the end of “Philadelphia, Here I Come!”?
Should genetically modified crops be banned?
Should governments impose population controls?
Should governments pay reparations to women?
Should governments provide a job guarantee?
Should governments spend money on foreign aid?
Should governments stop subsidizing animal products?
Should governments subsidize professional sports?
Should greenfield land be developed?
Should Halloween costumes be allowed in schools?
Should hard fouls in sports be considered crimes?
Should high schools introduce an hour of free time?
Should Hindu leadership roles be open to all genders?
Should history lessons include ethical judgments?
Should household recycling be mandatory?
Should humans eat animals?
Should humans extract resources from space?
Should IDs be required to vote?
Should individuals assume responsibility for climate change?
Should internet service be nationalized?
Should interpretations of religious texts change over time?
Should Irish be a required subject in Irish schools?
Should Islamic leadership roles be open to all genders?
Should it be mandatory for university students to spend one term abroad?
Should Jewish leadership roles be open to all genders?
Should Jews be able to celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas?
Should judges be elected by the people?
Should jury trials be abolished?
Should kids be able to have social media?
Should kids be allowed to eat all their Easter chocolate at once?
Should kids be allowed to eat ketchup?
Should kids have to earn their pocket money?
Should Live Nation Entertainment be broken up?
Should military spending be a top priority for governments?
Should mobile phones and tablets be allowed at family mealtimes?
Should modern justice systems include religious principles?
Should monarchies be abolished?
Should monetary policy be controlled by an independent central bank?
Should morals be relative depending on culture?
Should more sports get mainstream attention?
Should national service be mandatory?
Should natural features be given legal personhood?
Should new housing be built on brownfield sites?
Should news outlets that spread misinformation be shut down?
Should old James Bond films still be shown on daytime television?
Should online gambling be legal?
Should parents be friends with their kids on social media?
Should parents be held responsible for their children’s actions?
Should payday loans be banned?
Should people be able to own personal vehicles?
Should people break unjust laws?
Should people buy fair trade products?
Should people have fewer children to help tackle climate change?
Should people invest in cryptocurrency?
Should pharmacists be allowed to prescribe medication?
Should plastic bags be banned?
Should Pluto be considered a planet?
Should private cars be banned from the city center?
Should prize money be equal in men’s and women’s sports?
Should professional athletes be banned from participating in the Olympics?
Should public transport be free?
Should Reconstruction have been harsher on the former Confederacy?
Should religion be a subject in school?
Should religions evolve to adapt to modern society?
Should religions treat all genders equally?
Should religious holiday displays be allowed in public places?
Should religious organizations be tax-exempt?
Should rugby be banned in schools?
Should Santa bring naughty children presents?
Should Santa’s elves demand better working conditions?
Should school sports day be banned?
Should schools be able to ban books?
Should schools be open to students during holidays and breaks?
Should schools provide free meals for all students?
Should schools start later in the day?
Should schools take students on trips abroad?
Should schools teach practical life skills?
Should schools use detention as a punishment?
Should schools use digital textbooks over print textbooks?
Should schools use students’ home dialects of English to teach standard English?
Should scientists create synthetic life forms?
Should scientists prioritize reproducing results over innovation?
Should Scotland hold a second independence referendum?
Should Shakespeare still be taught in schools?
Should single-use plastics be banned?
Should small businesses be exempt from minimum wage requirements?
Should social media platforms be allowed to display ads?
Should societies prioritize freedom over security?
Should society reject fast fashion?
Should song lyrics be eligible for literary prizes?
Should Spain allow Catalonia to hold an official independence referendum?
Should sports betting be legal?
Should stores separate toys by gender?
Should streaming platforms be required to limit the number of episodes we watch?
Should students be allowed to bring their pets to school?
Should students be allowed to use smartphones in school?
Should students be forced to learn math?
Should students be held back to repeat a grade in school?
Should students be required to take sex education classes in school?
Should students grade their teachers?
Should students have exams right after winter holidays?
Should students have to wear school uniforms?
Should students in England still have to take GCSEs?
Should substance use be treated as a public health issue rather than a criminal one?
Should teachers be allowed days off during the school term?
Should teachers give homework?
Should teachers have to wear a uniform?
Should teenagers have to choose a career path at 16?
Should the African Union have a common currency like the Euro?
Should the age of retirement be raised?
Should the Allied Powers apologize for war crimes in World War II?
Should the animals of “Animal Farm” have never revolted against Jones?
Should the British Museum return artifacts to their countries of origin?
Should the children in “The Lord of the Flies” be held responsible for their actions?
Should the death penalty be abolished globally?
Should the field of science be competitive?
Should the genetic engineering of human embryos be banned?
Should the government do more to encourage home vegetable gardens?
Should the government limit the time kids can spend playing video games?
Should the government pay wages for housework?
Should the government protect net neutrality?
Should the House of Lords be abolished?
Should the minimum wage be raised?
Should the Olympics include more extreme sports?
Should the Pavlovsk Experimental Station scientists have eaten the seeds during the siege of Leningrad?
Should the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland have a reunification referendum?
Should the US drinking age be lowered to 18?
Should the US government pay monetary reparations to Black Americans?
Should the US have entered World War I earlier?
Should the US have entered World War II earlier?
Should the US have joined the League of Nations?
Should the US have stricter gun control?
Should the works of controversial artists be removed from museums?
Should the world disarm their nuclear weapons?
Should there be a strict definition of art?
Should there be a tax on junk food?
Should there be a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict?
Should there be a universal basic income?
Should there be absolute free speech?
Should there be age restrictions on viewing some art?
Should there be legal exemptions for religious individuals?
Should there be quotas for women in government?
Should there be quotas for women in STEM?
Should there be sensitivity training in schools?
Should there be single-gender schools?
Should there be strict rules regulating the data used to train LLMs?
Should there be term limits for elected officials?
Should there be trigger warnings in school?
Should there be women-only prizes for art?
Should tipping culture become a thing of the past?
Should university be free?
Should vaccines be mandatory?
Should video games be considered art?
Should video games have loot boxes?
Should video replays be used in sports?
Should voting be compulsory?
Should we admire Alexander the Great?
Should we allow driverless cars on the road?
Should we allow weapons in outer space?
Should we always avoid stress?
Should we always forgive others?
Should we always respect people in authority?
Should we ban air travel to help fight climate change?
Should we ban creative AI software?
Should we ban zoos?
Should we begin relocating people from coastlines vulnerable to climate change?
Should we celebrate Valentine’s Day in school?
Should we celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Should we change our vocabulary for referring to oppressed groups?
Should we colonize other planets?
Should we create artificial wombs for humans?
Should we develop technology that can read minds?
Should we discourage nationalism?
Should we ever use force to create peace?
Should we have “mental health days”?
Should we lower international trade barriers?
Should we make efforts to conserve traditional ways of life?
Should we only eat food produced in our own countries?
Should we prioritize exploring the deepest parts of our oceans over outer space?
Should we refrain from eating intelligent animals?
Should we remove statues of problematic historical figures?
Should we see the suffragettes as heroes?
Should we send a human mission to Mars?
Should we shorten the 40-hour workweek?
Should we still celebrate Columbus Day?
Should we stop telling the “first Thanksgiving” story?
Should we stop telling the “miracle of the lamp oil” story for Hanukkah?
Should we teach the Great Man theory of history?
Should we use geoengineering to offset the impacts of climate change?
Should we use pagan imagery when celebrating Easter?
Should we wash our clothes less often?
Should we work to conserve endangered languages?
Should weapons manufacturers face accountability for mass shootings?
Should World Athletics award prize money to winners at the Olympics?
Should you kill spiders when you find them indoors?
Should young people under 16 be allowed to have smartphones?
Should zero-hours contracts be banned?
Was “Bad King John” really that bad?
Was Brexit a good idea?
Was Catherine the Great an enlightened ruler?
Was George right to kill Lennie in “Of Mice and Men”?
Was Hamlet justified in seeking revenge for his father’s murder?
Was Langston Hughes’s poetry more praising or critical of America?
Was Macbeth a victim of fate?
Was Marie Curie’s contribution to science greater than Ernest Rutherford’s?
Was Nebuchadnezzar II really a good ruler?
Was Pontius Pilate responsible for the execution of Jesus?
Was Rosa Parks’s bus protest the most important factor in advancing the civil rights movement?
Was Shakespeare a feminist?
Was Shang Dynasty China more advanced than the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt?
Was the American Revolution justified?
Was the Bronze Age more impressive than the Iron Age?
Was the Industrial Revolution good for society?
Was the New Deal effective at ending the Great Depression in the United States?
Was the Roman invasion good for Britain?
Was the Treaty of Versailles the main cause of World War II?
Was the United States right to fight the Vietnam War?
Was the United States wrong to drop atomic bombs on Japan?
Was the weakness of the Byzantine Empire the main reason for the fall of Constantinople in 1453?
Were Martin Luther’s methods reckless in starting the Protestant Reformation?
Were Romeo and Juliet really in love?
Were the “Dark Ages” really so dark?
Were the Mongol conquests a good thing in the end?
Were the Nuremberg Trials effective in delivering justice for war crimes?
What are the best ways of dealing with stress?
What are the greatest threats to democracies today?
What caused the collapse of the Weimar Republic?
What caused the U.S.S. Maine to sink?
What is the best activity to do after school?
What is the best economic system to live under?
What is the best medium to paint a sunset?
What is the best method of transport in a city?
What is the best mode of peaceful protest?
What is the best source of renewable energy?
What is the best Thanksgiving side dish?
What is the best theory of literary criticism?
What is the best way to break up with somebody?
What is the best way to develop our rational debate skills?
What is the greatest challenge to megacities?
What is the greatest purpose of music?
What is the most important factor in prioritizing organ transplants?
What is the most important factor in prioritizing vaccine distribution?
What is the most important quality a country’s leader should have?
What is the most pressing political issue in the country today?
What is the strongest argument in favor of the separation of church and state?
What was most likely the main cause of the Bronze Age collapse?
What was the main cause of the French Revolution?
What was the main cause of the Great Depression?
What was the main cause of World War I?
What’s the most important quality for a teacher to have?
Where would you rather live in 900 CE: London or Baghdad?
Which ancient empire was most impressive: the Persian Empire, Macedonian Empire, Han Dynasty, or Roman Empire?
Which are better: cats or dogs?
Which are better: the Winter Olympics or the Summer Olympics?
Which Bronze Age civilization was more advanced: the Indus Valley or Egypt?
Which country would be the most interesting to visit?
Which fantasy/science fiction book series is the best?
Which foreign language is most useful to learn?
Which government was most responsible for the outbreak of World War I?
Which holiday is more important for Christians: Christmas or Easter?
Which Industrial Revolution era development had the most beneficial impact on society?
Which is better: “big” or “small” government?
Which is better: LEGO® or Minecraft?
Which is better: poetry or prose?
Which is the best Christmas movie?
Which is the best Easter candy?
Which poem takes a more convincing view on the deaths of World War I: “Dulce Et Decorum Est” or “In Flanders Fields”?
Which pre-Columbian civilization was more impressive: the Aztecs, Incas, or Maya?
Which purpose of the criminal justice system is most important?
Which scientist should be brought back to help solve the world’s problems?
Which season is the best?
Which social media platform would be best to ban?
Which source should we use to learn about the past?
Which strategy should be prioritized to limit atmospheric CO2?
Which superpower would be best to have?
Which video game console is the best?
Which would be better to visit: ancient Egypt or ancient Greece?
Who contributed the most to founding rock music?
Who contributed the most to Spanish arts and culture?
Who decides the meaning of art?
Who has a more difficult job: Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?
Who is better: Goldilocks or Little Red Riding Hood?
Who is the greatest soccer/football player of all time?
Will the world face a major food insecurity crisis by 2050?
Would compulsory drug testing in schools be harmful?
Would it be good to be an astronaut?
Would it be good to be famous?
Would violence have been justified during the civil rights movement?
Macbeth’s own hubris caused
his demise.
Macbeth’s fate was fixed by the witches’ prophecy.
Macbeth’s own hubris caused
his demise.
Macbeth’s fate was fixed by the witches’ prophecy.